Optical smoke detectors incorporate a pulsing LED located in a chamber within the housing of the detector. The chamber is designed to exclude light from any external source. At an angle to the LED is a photo-diode which normally does not register the column of light emitted by the LED. In the event of smoke from a fire entering the chamber, the light pulse from the LED will be scattered and hence registered by the photo-diode. If the photo-diode “sees” smoke on the two following pulses, the detector changes into the alarm state and the indicator LED lights up. The detector housing is identical to that of the ionisation detector but has an indicator LED which is clear in quiescent state but produces red light in alarm
Wide operating voltage, Advanced electronic technology, Flashing LED option, Magnetic test switch option, Can be used on security systems, Electrically compatible with Series 60, Mechanically compatible with Series 60
Proven detection performance, Designed to meet approvals worldwide, Range of bases available

Multi Criteria Photoelectric Smoke / Thermal Detector Model 2351TEM
The 2351TEM photoelectric smoke/thermal detector forms part of the Series 300 range of conventional detectors.
This range of detectors has been produced using the latest in manufacturing and design techniques, pushing out the boundaries of existing conventional detector technology. With its multitude of innovative features, the Series 300 is a detector which ‘acts conventionally, thinks intelligently’.The 2351TEM photoelectric smoke/thermal detector incorporates an optical chamber and a thermal element, which in turn are continually monitored by an on board processor by using algorithms developed specifically for the unit. An alarm signal is only enabled in the detector once the processor is satisfied that an incipient fire has been detected. By using a combination of inputs, the incidence of nuisance alarms is reduced while at the same time, the response time to an actual fire is also improved.
Low profile design, Low current draw, Backward compatible with Series 100 detector range of bases, Wide operating voltage 8 to 30V, Bi-colour LED detector status indicator, Automatic drift compensation, Programmable sensitivity, Addressable feature, Advanced maintenance features via remote hand-held test unit, Range of detector bases available, Approved to EN54 – 7: 2000 (Amendment 1), EN54 – 5:2000 Class A1R; (Amendment 1) CEA4021